2007-2008 Cub Scout Pack 4 Meeting/Event Schedule
August 30th: Parent meeting and reception 6:30pm-Parish center
September 29th & 30th : Fall Campout Noon - ????
October 20th: Haunted Hayride 6:30pm details to follow
November 18th: Country breakfast - Parish center
December 12th: Potluck Christmas Party
January 20th: Scout Sunday 9:00 am Mass
February 10th: Pinewood Derby Practice 1pm to 3 pm - Parish center
February 13th: Pack 4 Pinewood Derby 6:00pm
March 12th: Blue Gold Banquet 6:30pm-8pm Parish center
March 15th: Shawnee District Pinewood Derby Championships 9:00 am (see link on home page)
April 20th: Rain Gutter Regatta
May 17th: Fishing Tournament-Taylorsville Lake Dam 8am
July (carnival) Help set up booths. Midway mania tickets for all volunteer cubs
All Pack and Den meetings will take place in Charity Hall on the 2nd
Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm-7:30pm unless otherwise noted.
This schedule is not complete and will be regularly revised. If
you have any questions, please contact Tim Niehoff @ 459-0199 or cell 552-8293