- Cars must be built with materials like those
furnished with the Pinewood Derby Car Kit #700000
- Width -- Overall car width including wheels
& axels shall not exceed 2 ¾ ". ***Height must not exceed
3 inces.
- Length - Overall car length shall not exceed
- Weight - The completed car shall not exceed
5 oz. The car may be hallowed out and built up to the maximum weight by the addition of solid material provided it is securely
built into or attached to the car. Loose, liquid or magnetic materials are not allowed.
- Shape – The car may be of any style as
long as no part of the car extends beyond the front bumper, which must rest against the starting pin. "U" & "V" shaped
front ends are not allowed. You may also not run a wire or bar across a U or V shaped front end. It will still be considered
a U or V front end. The most forward part of the car must be at least ½" wide and solid all the way across. The front end must be designated at check in and be the part of the car that rests against the start pin
every race. The
bottom most forward part of the car shall not exceed 5/8ths of an inch in height or clearance.
- Axels --- Only the axles like those furnished
with the kit or ACCESSORY KIT # 617007 are allowed.
- Wheels – Only the wheels like those furnished
with the kit or ACCESSORY KIT # 617007, and have raised BSA lettering on the sidewall, may be used. The tread area may not
be rounded (upward or downward), grooved, or shaped to a point in any way. Any drilling or slotting of the wheels in any way
will disqualify the car. The width of the wheel may also NOT be altered. No wheel bearings, bushings, or washers of any kind
are allowed. The wheel must spin freely on the authorized axel. If using hubcaps, one each on the front and back must be removable
for inspection. Of the 3 wheels pictured below, only the
smooth tread design will be allowed. H and V type “Speed” wheels
will disqualify your car.

Lubrication – any type of lubrication is permitted on axels as long
as it is not dripping from the car and is applied prior to weigh-in. Caution: Some liquid lubricants have melted the plastic
wheels. Powdered graphite is one of the more commonly used lubricants. Once the car has been checked-in for the race you are not allowed to apply more
lubricant. This is especially true during the race. Any modifications or applying of lubricant during the race will be grounds for disqualification.
The car shall not ride on any type of spring or have any kind of starting
device. The car must be freewheeling.
Details added to the car, such as a steering wheel, driver, decals, etc.
are permissible so long as they are securely fastened to the car and do not exceed the size or weight requirements.
Once a car has passed inspection and is accepted for competition, it is
placed in the custody of the racing officials and is to only be handled by the scout to whom it belongs. A) The car will only
be taken from its designated pit area when it is scheduled to race. It will only be handled by the scout to whom it belongs
and only after obtaining permission from a racing official. B) Cars will not be touched during a race except by the scout
to whom it belongs and only after obtaining permission from a racing official. C) The car is to be returned to its designated
pit area immediately following its race.
The car may not be designed in any that would give it an unfair advantage
at the start gate.
13. No car may
be raced that has not been built in the past 12 months.
14. Any cars that
are purchased over the internet will be disqualified. Caution: We have qualified
experts that personally know the builders of these cars and know what to look for.
15. Pre-cut car
kits will not be allowed. Remember this is a parent/son project.
A. Cars may be raced only by the
qualifying Cub Scout. Cars may not be raced by a parent or a stand-in. Proof of registration may be required. The
only exception to this is in the Siblings’ race. If the racer is too little to safely set the car in the starting gate
then their brother, the Cub Scout, may assist them.
B. After the Scout has registered,
his car will be weighed, measured, and inspected to insure compliance with the rules.
C. Cars will not be accepted if their
weight exceeds five (5.04) ounces by even the smallest amount. Postal scales only go to the nearest 1/10th of an ounce. A
Postal scale must read 5.05 in order to show 5.1 and since they are widely used by most scouts we allow the extra .04 oz.
D. A wooden car gauge will be used
to determine if the car complies to the length, width and clearance limitations.
E. A Cub Scout whose car fails any
part of the inspection will be given the opportunity to make adjustments to the car. Cars will be re-weighed, measured, and
inspected until they comply or until the scheduled race starting time. Cars still not in compliance will be allowed to run
but they will not be allowed to compete.
F. After the car has passed inspection,
it will be taken to the pit table to await the race. Cars may not be handled after inspection until they are scheduled to
G. Cars will be protected from handling
by anyone except the race officials and the car owner.
H. No additional lubrication may be
applied to the car at the PD site, either before or during a PD.
I. PD's will be overall time determined
events. Each car will run 4 heats. The lowest total of time from the 4 heats will determine the winners.
J. Each heat will begin with the racing
Scouts being called by name to the pit table. A Scout will have three (3) minutes to report before being disqualified.
A Race official at the pit table will give the Cub Scout their car. The Scouts will then take their cars to the starting
gate for positioning on the track. Cars will run in each lane once. Scouts will be given time to seat themselves at the end
of the track before the race starts. Scouts will return their cars to the pit table after their race.
K. In the event of a breakdown of a
car during the race, the participant will be given five (5) minutes to repair the car. Only the damaged portion of the car
may be modified. Work must be done by the Scout with assistance from his parent or guardian in the presence of a Race official.
Race officials shall re-inspect any car that is serviced during the race. The Race officials may choose to continue with other
race heats in order to avoid long delays in the race. The damaged car must be raced before the race proceeds to the next series
of heats.
L. If a car leaves the track,
runs out of its lane, interferes with another car, loses an axle, etc., the heat will be rerun. If the same car gets into
trouble on the second run, it will be removed from the track and accessed a time equal to one second + the slowest car in
the heat’s time. If, on the second run, another car is interfered with, the heat will be run a third time, but without
the removed car.
