
2008 Shawnee District Pinewood Derby Championship Race

2008 Pack 4 Pinewood Derby
2008 Shawnee PWD District Race
Pinewood Derby Rules for Pack 4 and Shawnee District
Important message from the Cubmaster
Pack 4 news
Picture gallery
Tiger Badge Requirements
Bobcat Badge Requirements
Wolf Badge Requirements
Wolf Electives
Bear Badge Requirements
Bear Arrow Points
Webelos Badge Requirements
Arrow of Light Badge Requirements

I want to thank those who helped make this race a success. I especially want to thank the following: Rob Veliky, Ted Kalbfleisch, Kent Wernert, Joe Walsh , Tim Niehoff and Shawnee District Executive Robert Thomas. Their hard work on a long day is greatly appreciated. I also want to thank the Cubs and their parents for their cooperation. Shawnee District Cubs Rule!

Click here for a slideshow of winners


Results for the Shawnee District Pinewood Derby Championships held at St. Agnes School on March 15th, 2008.   

        Championship round

SuperTimer II                       Dist08FN     Speed Report
        Car #  Name                Den                      Pack  Place  AverageHeats
        4     Joe Fisher           WEBLOS               4       1            2.5761    4
        6     Adam Murphy          BEAR               67     2            2.5922    4
        2     Brandon Cordini      TIGER               4       3            2.5991    4
        3     John Paul Blessinger WOLF             179    4            2.6274    4
        8     Garrett Sams          WOLF               143     5            2.6389    4
        1     Jacob Kalbfleisch     WEBLOS          4       6           2.6480    4
        5     Sam Ector             BEAR                 17      7           2.6556    4
        7     Aiden Martin          TIGER               42      8           2.6986    4


      Bears & Webelos

SuperTimer II                       Dist08BW     Speed Report
        Car #  Name                Den       Rank      Pack  Place  AverageHeats
        24    Joe Fisher           WEBLOS              4       1         2.5730    4
        18    Adam Murphy          BEARS           67      2         2.5932    4
        25    Jacob Kalbfleisch    WEBLOS         4       3          2.6279    4
        2     Sam Ector            BEARS               17      4          2.6714    4
        28    Cody Spaits          BEARS              42      5          2.6765    4
        20    Devin Walker         WEBLOS         32      6*         2.6925    4
        23    Gus Clenney          BEARS            43      6*         2.6931    4
        9     Robbie Collard       BEARS             6       6*         2.6937    4
        8     Spencer Davis        WEBLOS          42     9           2.7103    4
        21    Jonathon Savage      WEBLOS      32      10         2.7185    4
        30    Brian Cucullu        WEBLOS         179     11         2.7293    4
        5     Dylan Merritt        WEBLOS           518     12*        2.7321    4
        12    Alan Fletcher        WEBLOS         597     12*        2.7331    4
        22    Jairus Benford       WEBLOS        32       12*        2.7338    4
        27    Michael Riehl        BEARS            43      12*        2.7347    4
        14    Kevin Carpenter      BEARS          334     16         2.7816    4
        29    Ben Lally            BEARS               67      17         2.7902    4
        15    Jacob Hoffmann       BEARS        143     18          2.7932    4
        4     Devan Bastin         WEBLOS         116     19          2.8164    4
        17    Nathan Iler          WEBLOS           6        20          2.8316    4
        19    James Roth           WEBLOS        179     21          2.8390    4
        3     Trevor Bastin        BEARS             116    22          2.8401    4
        7     Jacob Fritts         BEARS               17      23         2.8415    4
        13    Jacob Lang           BEARS            489     24        2.8543    4
        16    Matthew Ison         WEBLOS          17      25        2.8648    4
        26    Thomas Ostertag      WEBLOS       43      26        2.9286    4
        1     Tyler Wolf           WEBLOS             17      27        3.1490    4
        11    Gavin Granholm       WEBLOS      489     28        3.3454    4
        6     Tate Stilger         BEARS               334     29        3.3855    4
        10    Walter Pryor         WEBLOS          489     30        3.8019    4


    Tigers & Wolves

 SuperTimer II                       Dist08TW     Speed Report
        Car #  Name                Den       Rank      Pack  Place  AverageHeats
        14    Brandon Cordini      TIGER               4       1         2.5923    4
        2     John Paul Blessinger WOLF             179     2        2.6345    4
        5     Garrett Sams         WOLF                 143     3        2.6485    4
        13    Max Brian            WOLF                  67      4        2.6683    4
        6     Peter Spoelker       WOLF                42      5*       2.6854    4
        17    Justin Walker        WOLF                32      5*      2.6861    4
        16    Aiden Martin         TIGER                42      7       2.6913    4
        4     Evan Allen           WOLF                  67      8       2.7019    4
        15    Sam Walsh            WOLF                4       9       2.7155    4
        3     Ben Philpot          WOLF                334     10      2.7298    4
        1     Jack O'Toole         WOLF               179     11      2.7356    4
        7     Phillip Thornberry   WOLF              34      12      2.7698    4
        10    Paulino Castillo     TIGER               6        13      2.7980    4
        18    Devin Meiner         WOLF               32      14      2.8655    4
        11    Gregory Snow         WOLF             489    15       3.2515    4
        12    Erasmus Brown        TIGER            827    16       3.2605    4
        9     Jonathon Bramley     WOLF            489    17       3.2753    4
        8     Brandon Mitchell     WOLF             489    18        7.0000    4



Shawnee District Pinewood Derby Rules

2007 Shawnee District Pinewood Derby Results

Link to Supertrack the official track of Pack 4 and this year's Shawnee District Championships


The Trophies for the 2008 race.