Purpose of the Cub Scouts of America
As Cub Scouts we are part of a larger Boy Scout Group called a Pack. Our Pack at St. Agnes is Pack 4. Pack 4 is part of
the Boy Scouts of America which provides us with the official rules and regulations for our Cub Scouts. A Boy Scout must become
a Cub Scout before becoming a Boy Scout. The Cub Scouts are 1st. through 5th graders. The purpose of the Cub Scouts is
to provide a safe environment for young boys to learn core values or character connections, as well as, personal fitness goals
that they may carry with them throughout their lives. The Cub Scouts 12 Core Values are as follows:
Health and Fitness
Positive Attitude
Mission of the Cub Scouts
The Cub Scouts Mission is to work together as a group while we learn respect for ourselves, others and for all of Gods
creatures. We will "Know, Commit and Practice" these values. As Scout/Den Leaders, we feel privileged to share this adventure
with you and your child. Our hope for your child is that they learn ways in which to build good character, set goals for themselves
and learn a little about Gods world around them while having fun!!!
Cub Scout Leaders
Tim Niehoff, Scout Master;
Mike Rueff, Campout Director;
Rob Velicky, Awards Director;
Chris Bartley, Activities Director; Home (502) 456-1580 or cell (502) 649-4807 chrisw.bartley@insightsbb.com
Joe Walsh, Events/Activities Support;
Steve Feller, Den Leader;
Kent , Tiger Cubs Den Leader; Home (502) or cell (502)
?????Wolf Leader;
??????Bear Leader;
Ted Klabelfish, Webelos Den Leader;
What to expect at each Cub Scout Pack/Den Meeting
Important Note to Parents: Our goal from September to March is to prepare our Cub Scouts for the Blue and Gold Awards
Banquet. We want to make certain that each of our Cub Scouts earn all of their "Advancement Awards and Badges" enabling them
to moves to the next level in Cub Scouting. These awards will be given out at the annual Blue and Gold Awards Banquet in March.
Each parent should plan to attend!!!
Our schedule will follow the Tiger Cubs Handbook. Except; our Family Halloween Costume Party will be held the night of
the Haunted Hayride with Pack 4 (beforehand). In December we will prepare a gift basket for the "Home of the Innocents" children
at our den meeting and we will have our Tiger Cubs Family Christmas Dinner. In April we are planning a fishing trip with our
families. In May we are planning an overnight camping trip with our families, before summer break!!
Den Meetings:
Gathering: We will greet one another with the Scout Handshake. We will start each Cub Scout Meeting with a snack. We
will then take roll call.
Opening: We will then have an official start to our meeting. We will always start our meeting with the "Pledge of Allegiance"
to the U.S. Flag.
Events Planning: Our Cub Scout Master will discuss important upcoming "Events and Activities" as well as any other
important information with the group, he will then introduce our guest speaker.
Guest Speaker: At each pack meeting a guest speaker will be invited to speak to the group. The speaker will speak for
about 15 minutes about what it is that they do for the community. This might be a Fireman, a Doctor or someone of special
Den Meeting Breakouts: Following the guest speaker each den leader will gather with their cubs/webelos in the each
of the designated rooms within Charity Hall to begin their 30 minute den meeting.
Activities Sign Up/Consent: After the den meetings the entire pack will meet back in the main hall of Charity Hall
to sign up for that months "Field Activity" and to complete the consent form.
*This is a volunteer activity and is not paid for by Pack 4 Cub Scouts. In most cases we will try to meet and return at
St. Agnes School Parking Lot for our field trip activities. We will ask that each parent pay for your child’s food,
lodging, transportation or any other fees that pertain to our planned activity. We will contact you in advance and inform
you of the expected cost of our field trip activities.
Closing: We will end each meeting with a Cub Scout Prayer and by reciting together the Cub Scout Promise and close
with an official Scout Salute to one another.
Where/When Cub Scout Pack 4 Pack/Den Meetings will be held
Cub Scout Pack 4/Den Meetings will always be held on the second Wednesday of each month. The entire Cub Scout Pack will
meet at 6:30PM to 7:30PM in Charity Hall, behind school, unless noted otherwise or unless our meeting is off premise (please
check the schedule).
We understand that parents today have very busy schedules and we will try to schedule all of our meetings, events and activities
so as not to disrupt your entire day or your child’s school studies.
Uniforms: The Cub Scout’s uniform is an important part of Scout’s. It gives the young scout a sense of
belonging and pride. It also helps us to quickly identify them in large crowds. Each Cub Scout will be expected to wear his
official Cub Scout uniform (Blue Shirt, Jeans, Orange Neck Tie and a Belt) at each Pack 4 Cub Scout/Den Meeting, unless instructed
Important role of the Cub Scout Parent
Your Cub Scout will depend on you, as will the den leaders to help him achieve awards, badges and most importantly be his
major good character and spiritual guide. You are his chief "Akela" or Good Leader and Adult Partner. Your Cub Scout will
need your help with "Family Activities (Homework) assignments" that are designed to teach him important life lessons. These
short assignments are a great way for you as a parent to explore and learn with your child. Remember, the awards and badges
will bring a great deal of confidence and pride to your young scout and he will need your help to achieve this. We encourage
parents to become involved with our den meetings.
Also, we will ask each parent to participate in the "Shared Leadership Parent Role" during the year. This may involve the
parent’s assistance during Pack/Den Meetings, Events and Field Trip Activities.
Further, we understand that parents will not always be able to attend each meeting but if the parent plans to send a child
to meeting without them then a parent guardian should plan to attend. Also, please read the Cub Scout Handbook with your child.
You both will want to refer to this book for "Family Activities" which you will work on together.
Personal Fitness: is an important part of your son’s life, we will be spending as much time as possible outdoors.
Some of our activities and/or field trips may involve your child in some minor risk, we will ask each parent to provide the
Scout Master with a signed "Consent Agreement" and an "Emergency Phone Number" before they may go on any field trip with the
group. We ask that at least one parent or gaurdian accompany each child on any field trip activity. The den leaders will have
a first aid kit on hand.
Recognition Ceremonies: Your Cub Scout will be earning individual "Badges and Awards" at our Pack/Den Meetings for
his individual accomplishments which will lead to his eventual advancement to the next level in Cub/Boy Scouts. All first
year Tiger Cubs must complete thier "Intermediate Recognition Emblem first with (15) Beads before they can work on thier Tiger
Cub Badge and eventually their Bobcat Badge. All Cub Scouts must earn their Bobcat Badge before they can go on to earn any
other advancement badges. His Akela is expected to sign off OK in the back of his "Cub Scout Hand Book" when these steps are
completed. Upon completion, the Cub Den Leaders will quiz each Cub Scout at each den meeting and keep individual advancement
records for your child. The recorded information will be turned over to the Pack 4 Scout Leader each month.
The Tiger Cubs 2007/08 Schedule will be posted on the Pack 4 website at saspack4.tripod.com
If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call.
We look forward to seeing you and your son at our next meeting!
Your friend,
Tim Niehoff, Scout Master Leader