Wolf Division
1st Zachary Thomas
2nd Dustin Hollencamp
3rd Kevin Carpenter
4th William Davis
Bear Division
1st Alan Fletcher
2nd Zachary Bleuel
3rd John Savage
4th Desmond Milliner-Bryant
Webelos Division
1st Cartier
2nd Kristoffe Wilson
3rd Dylan Wright
4th Jodhua Russell
Pack Champions
32 John Savage
334 Zachary Bleuel
518 Cartier Cooper
597 Alan Fletcher
827 Desmond Milliner-Bryant
837 Nathan Turner
87 Jordan Embers
994 Kristoffe Wilson
Congratulations to all of the racers for a job well done! Special thanks
to Richard Curry the event organizer and the many many volunteers who worked at the event. A special thanks to Kent Wernert
Pack 4 and Molly & Joseph Fisher for helping us run this race.
Thanks to all,
David Fisher